
Welcome to the blog for the Confederate Veteran magazine, the official journal for the Sons of Confederate Veterans. The Veteran is published six times a year as a service to our members. Membership is open to all male descendants of veterans who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces. For more information visit our web site at


Visit the Confederate Veteran magazine blog periodically to check on announcements, current events and information relevant for all SCV members. Feedback is welcome, please e-mail me your comments. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

March/April 2014 Issue

Our 2014 March/April issue is at the printer and should be ready for mailing shortly. Updated information for our 2014 National Reunion in Charleston, SC, is included along with our first Heritage Support Team members listing. Our Sesquicentennial series contiunes with the return of Dr. Clyde Wilson. His essay is titled “Our History and Their Myth: Comparing the confederacy and the Union.” Plus all of our regular features.